I am a customer :
Is there a problem with my reservation?
– The helpdesk of Bed & Brussels remains open by mail: info@bnb.brussels
Temporary Cancellation Policy :
– For all stays cancelled due to the COVID19 crisis, Bed & Brussels offers you to postpone your rental within the next 12 months.
Latest decisions taken by the consultation committee on the health situation.
You will find all the necessary information related to your trip to Belgium on the website:
Useful links :
Let’s contribute together to slowing down the spread of the virus:
- Wash your hands regularly.
- Always use tissues. A handkerchief can only be used once. Then throw it away in a closed rubbish bin.
- If you don’t have a tissue handy, sneeze or cough into the crease of your elbow.
- Avoid giving or shaking hands, kissing or hugging.
- Be aware of the groups at risk, such as people over 65 years of age, people with diabetes, heart, lung or kidney disease, people with weakened immune systems, …
- Contact between children and the elderly is not recommended. Children do not become seriously ill from the coronavirus, but can spread it easily.
- Keep a sufficient distance (1.5 metres) when you are outside.

What is the recommended cleaning protocol for our owners?
We want to make sure you feel comfortable hosting COVID-19 responders in your place. That’s why we’ve created an extensive cleaning checklist for you and your guests to follow.
Bed & Brussels is a local agency that visits and checks ALL THE ACCOMMODATIONS posted on its booking platform.

I am an owner:
Help out with your hosting activity
Offer or find housing for people in the front line against COVID19: Contact us at: info@bnb.brussels
We invite our owners to follow the following hygiene guidelines:
Before the customer arrives:
- Communicate on the measures that have been put in place (e.g.: time between 2 bookings), the adaptations made (privatisation of the premises)
- Message in your ad or on your website
- Relay the information on social networks
- Adapt the model of the message according to the type of stay
- Don’t dramatise, stay positive!
- Give details of the contents of the sanitary kit provided
- Detail the cancellation policy, be clear and flexible! Consider all possible scenarios: postponement, reimbursement, etc.
- Provide information on nearby medical services (hospitals, pharmacies, doctors, etc.)
- List open and closed shops and facilities. Suggest alternatives.
When the customer arrives:
- Staying warm
- Adapting safety distances
- Dematerialise the reception if necessary: Whatsapp, Messenger, Facetime,… = agree with the customer.
- Possibly privatise the accommodation if there are several rooms.
- Specify the person who will be the contact person in case of problem (phone, email, emergency number)
- Possibly welcome guests outside the accommodation (e.g. in the garden, etc.)
- Suggest to the client that they wash their hands on arrival before joining you for the explanations (this will reassure them)
- Give the keys on a tray, basket, etc.
- Limit paper exchanges, prefer electronic exchanges.
- Encourage payments by bank transfer or via mobile applications
- Involve customers in security
- Remind them of safety principles, e.g. coughing into the elbow
- Air the accommodation several times a day
- Encourage customers to wash their hands
- Explain and make the customer aware of the measures you have put in place
- Ask the guest to inform you if they have had any symptoms during or after their stay = two-way confidence
- Continue to advise your nuggets = you are an ambassador for your city
- Remove paper tourist information from your accommodation, it can carry germs.
- Provide links to sites (e.g. museums, etc.)
Suggest buying tickets online
Special recommendations for guest rooms :
- Disinfect the common areas twice a day
- No cleaning of rooms during the stay.
- Limit encounters
- Close the common toilets
- Serve breakfast in the room on a tray in front of the door or possibly in the garden (with distance)
Provide a welcome kit (to show consideration to the customer)
- Tissue box
- Hand soap
- Hydro-alcoholic gel
- Masks
- Ready-to-use disinfectant spray
- Roll of disposable paper towels
When the customer leaves:
Ask the customer to be a safety actor:
- Open the windows before leaving the accommodation
- Throw away rubbish in a closed bin
- Leave the keys somewhere (e.g. on the door, on a tray, etc.)
- Not to unmake your bed before leaving to avoid any contamination.
To help you clean the accommodation to ensure maximum safety we have also prepared a cleaning checklist.