Bnb Brussels 466Bnb Brussels 466
©Bnb Brussels 466

Brussels The Place To Be

By Bed&Brussels      What is it?

This is your space owned by Bed&Brussels! You will find our latest news, advice, practical information… the perfect guide to be a good host!

Our blog is continuously updated to always provide you with relevant information and keep up with new trends. You will also find all our tax advice there!


Free and unlimited reading

You can consult our blog without registration, you have access to some “headline” articles and practical information throughout the year.

Create your owner account

You create an owner account* and have access to all the information on our blog, including all updates on local regulations, including tax regulations, new laws implemented and all the analyses carried out specifically for you by our accountants/tax and legal experts.

Comment créer son compte ?

Sur la page d’accueil, cliquer sur l’onglet “qui somme nous?”


A droite de la page, cliquer sur “s’enregistrer”

Ca y est vous êtes inscrit ! Vous recevrez un mail avec vos informations de connexion ainsi que la conformations que votre compte à bien été activé. Il ne vous reste plus qu’a lire les rubriques sans modération !
