Sustainable BrusselsIn Brussels, the sustainable offer is increasing day by day: whether it is in terms of housing, food, travel, consuming in a more responsible way.DiscoverFor CompaniesBed&Brussels is specialized in the rental of temporary accommodation for your business stays in Brussels. Looking for accommodation for your trainees, employees,...DiscoverDiplomatie Brussels Europe©Diplomatie Brussels EuropeDiplomatie BrusselsFor over 30 years, Bed & Brussels has been the specialist in furnished accommodation in Brussels. With the advantage of being a local team, each offer is visited to ensure...Discover©Quality Academy - art dans le metro LA CARACOLA (Tone Brulin - 1992) Bizet © - Jean-Paul Remy - 2018|Jean-Paul RemyOriginal BrusselsEvery city has its original corners, and Brussels is no exception.DiscoverBrussels designBrussels is a design lover's paradise. Come and admire the creations of famous names. Discover